Kitty Hendricks-Miller, from the Mashpee Wampanoag education department, will offer an exciting program for us during April Vacation Week.
During this presentation for children, Kitty will demonstrate hand-made Native American artifacts and share stories and songs with them as insights into Wampanoag history and culture. It also will include a craft where they'll make a corn husk doll. This program is geared toward children ages 5-8.
Registration opens March 11th. Please stop by the Library or call 508-946-2470 to sign up.
Ms. Hendricks-Miller (Nenaweetah) is a Mashpee Wampanoag tribal citizen and is Otter Clan, and currently works as the Indian Education Coordinator for the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. She's managed and supervised the Wampanoag Foodways Exhibit at Plimoth Patuxet Museums, and was museum manager at the Mashpee Wampanoag Museum. Kitty demonstrates for the public open fire cooking of seasonal sustainable food, and teaches native craft activities to tribal families at public events. As a performer, and song carrier, Kitty shares her musical gifts and knowledge of traditional Eastern songs in her programs and manages the Wampanoag Nation Singers and Dancers.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Middleborough Cultural Council, a local agency, which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency. Additional funding was provided by the Friends of the Middleborough Public Library.